When you just need your data viewed and downloaded quickly by your customer and end-users
No subscription, low cost pay-as-you-go service, If your business or role is all about quality data collection and fast project turn around, with little requirement for your own long term storage and use of the data, then this is the VISION option for you.
Simple or complex datasets from any combination of instruments. Pointclouds, models, meshes, linework, images (panoramics, UAV, terrestrial, mobile, or bathymetric instruments), together with any relevant documentation can all be uploaded for viewing and download by your customers and end users.
Delivered through your own-branded viewer.Your customer sees the data online on the 3DUserNetVISION viewer branded with your logo.
Pay by size of project and length of time your customer needs online access. Low cost pricing for customer access in 30 day intervals.
Give new project a name
Upload Your Data
Note: Your Project size is the complete uploaded data plus the content created to stream your data. Uploading a compressed format can result in much larger project sizes then the original uploaded file.
Create & share for viewing and download
You can enable all data downloads by your customer or end user if and when required.
Pricing and Payment
Price per 30 day interval by currency | |||
Project Size (GB’S) | £ | $ | € |
<10 | 35 | 40 | 39 |
11-20 | 50 | 58 | 55 |
21-30 | 60 | 69 | 66 |
31-50 | 75 | 86 | 83 |
51-100 | 100 | 115 | 110 |
101-200 | 150 | 173 | 165 |
201-400 | 200 | 230 | 220 |
401-1000 | 250 | 288 | 275 |
Note: Your Project size is the complete uploaded data plus the content created to stream your data. Uploading a compressed format can result in a much larger project sizes then the original uploaded file.
Pay as you go by project. Before you upload your file, you will nominate the currency in which you wish to pay.
When you upload your data S2S will register the Project Size and allocate it to the relevant price band. Please note that the Project Size allocated will be the upload files and any streamable content created.
You then specify the number of 30 day intervals you wish to have the data available or leave live until you no longer need to access the data.
There are no fractions of 30 day periods available. You pay for the 30 days each period a project is live for however many days in a period.
Invoices and payments. You will be invoiced the end of each calendar month for all the projects which have started a new, or follow on, 30 day period during that month.
Invoices must be paid within 30 days or unfortunately your account will be suspended.
Payments can be made by direct bank transfer.
There will be a box where a purchase order can be logged if required. This will be included on your invoice.